Recently did a few interviews on various outlets, including Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein out of KPFA, the birthplace of listener sponsored radio. On web here — starts at the 19:00 minute mark. (Also, it’s on podcast here. It’s the second segment.)
Archives for October 2020
VotePact Gives You Leverage Over the Duopoly
VotePact is a voting strategy that advocates that people vote for their actual preferences by pairing up with someone on the other side of the Democratic-Republican divide. So people can strategically vote for the candidates they most like without fear of helping those they most fear. Instead of effectively cancelling out each other — one for […]
Problems with Rejecting the “Safe State” Strategy
The group RootsAction is backing the “safe state” strategy as espoused by RootsAction — are out the window and that anyone who wants to stop Trump must vote for Biden no matter where they live. They may criticize Biden in some ways, but they are planning on voting for him even though they are in […]